Fine5 DT´s “Yes or Yesn’t” is an internally reflective dance performance that focuses on compromises and feelings in human relationships. Compromises are important elements in both the narrative of the story and the process of building the production. The relationship between the two people and how to cope with each other in common processes, the relationship between speaking and listening, the balance between movement and non-movement, being and non-being, is studied.
Choreography/Dance: Anita Kurõljova, Richard Beljohin
Music: Valentin Siltsenko
Dramaturgy: Tõnis Veelmaa
Costumes: Kirill Safonov
Lighting: Ants Kurist
Photo: Merje Rääbis
Premiere: Jan 13th 2022 at Sakala3 teatrimaja rehearsal studio (5th floor)
Supporters: Eesti Kultuurkapital, Eesti Kultuuriministeerium